Monday, January 16, 2012

Manitoba is drowning...and we all live by the river.

Christmas came a little late this year...Friday, Jan. 13 to be precise. That's when I saw Chris Orapello's amazing cover for Title Goes Here #10. The image ("Death by Water") is a companion piece to "Highwater" -- a short story I have appearing in the issue.

"Highwater" weighs in at a giant-monster sized 7,404 words--too long for most markets--but thankfully it found a home at TGH.

This apocalyptic story was inspired by a question that comes to me every spring here in Manitoba. This is floodland; we endure a "flood of the century" every three or four years, it seems. You watch the Red River swell over its banks, keep a fearful eye on the basement and turn on the TV to see oversized lakes consuming the landscape and polar bears treading water. And every year, without fail, I'll wonder: what if the fucking water doesn't stop rising?

Digital and print versions are available here.