Friday, December 17, 2010

52 Stitches Volume 2

52 Stitches Volume 2 -- collecting 52 weeks of flash horror, is now available now at

The collection includes "Driftwood", a flash-story of mine that originally appeared in April, 2010 on the 52 Stitches site. Jamie Eyberg's "The Trouble with Gnomes" appeared later that same month.

This past August, Jamie and his wife Ann died under tragic circumstances: a well accident that has since been explained somewhat by the authorities, but will never truly be understood.

In memory of Jamie and Ann Eyberg, 52 Stitches editor/publisher Aaron Polson is donating all of the profits from sales of the collection to a fund for their two children.

Other than our chance connection in April, I did not know Jamie. Fortunately, his blog--A Continuity of Parks--is still online.

And, of course, there are always the stories.

Monday, December 13, 2010

It Lives

"It wakes,
It walks,
It hates,
It breathes...
The Dead are Alive again."